Monday, June 2, 2008

Lamentia by Brother Machine

This one is for all those out there who like to be sad. Brother Machine likes to be sad. He wrote a song about fading away into Lamentia.


cvjecarnica said...

Hi, I am Gabor from Hungary, and this one is my favourite song! I just keep listening it all day long. :-) The sadness which emanates from it actually makes me infinitely happy.:) Actually it's not a sad song, there is a kind of secret 'sad happiness' in it. But my only problem is that I cannot bring it with me to the streets, to listen it while I walk in the grey streets of Budapest with my mp3 player. So if by any chance you have the song in mp3 format, could you please kindly send it to me? My e-mail address is: . I know it's a kind of 'illegal' request, but I really starv this song when I'm not at home. :-) Thank you a lot. Gabor

Anonymous Coward said...

It's not an illegal request. The creator and copyright owner of the song is hosting it on his webpage for free download. Just follow the URL in the post.

cvjecarnica said...

Thank you a lot, really! Now I'll put it onto my player with other songs of BM as well. :-)